Buddyfight Translations!
Are you a Buddyfight fan, or do you want to become one? Are you frustrated by how much material is Japanese-only? Well, we've got you covered!
This is a currently ongoing project to translate as much Buddyfight extra material as possible--short stories, anime episodes, video games, and more!
Main Twitter: BuddyTrans!
Got any questions? Send them to me here!
Buddyfight Gaiden
These are a series of short stories and voice dramas that take place after the end of Future Card Buddyfight Ace, provisionally called... Buddyfight Gaiden! They detail a story not shown in animation or in manga, featuring a cast of new and returning characters. Please enjoy!
Buddyfight Gaiden: Ichibanboshi Hikaru
Buddyfight Gaiden: Amagasa Meiru
Buddyfight Gaiden: Wonderland Walker, Alice
Buddyfight Gaiden: Krieger
Buddyfight Gaiden: Alexander Ankh
(Video) An Interview With Alec!
Buddyfight Gaiden: Jinguuji Kei
Buddyfight Gaiden: Free Great Electrodeity, Izanami
Buddyfight Gaiden: The Phantom Thief Dragos
(Video) Kei VS Yuga! Time Has Stopped?! The Ultimate Showdown!
Buddyfight Gaiden: Hoshiyomi Subaru
Buddyfight Gaiden: Rikuo Masato
Buddyfight Gaiden: Teito Kuu
Buddyfight Gaiden: J Genesis
Buddyfight Gaiden: Gao and Kanata
Buddyfight Gaiden: Tasuku and Gaito
Season One Subtitles
This is, without a doubt, the most coveted item on our list of projects! A lot of us, over the years, have wished that regardless of how good the dub is, it'd be nice to experience Buddyfight's first season with a closer translation--and we are providing! Currently, episodes are being uploaded on a weekly basis--subscribe to our channel so you never miss one!
We're informally uploading these episodes to Youtube, but we of course have backups in case they get taken down, and offer direct download links as well.
Youtube Playlist
Direct download, episodes 1-10
Video Games
This is the second-most desired translation we can offer you! There are three official Buddyfight video games, all released for the 3ds, and...
...unfortunately, at the moment, all video game translations are still a work in progress. It's a pretty hefty ordeal to translate an anime season and three games, so please be patient! They'll all be done soon enough.